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I want to make a video about top 5 heroes with the highest possible movement speed and need help

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Hello, as I said in the title I test every hero for the highest possible movement speed they can achieve, and I would like to have somebody review my numbers, before I post it in the form of video.
There are so many abilities that increase ms, and need to check if my calculations are correct and if I miss some things or not.

The rules:

  1. Hero can only use his own abilities and stats/abilities from items. Shard, scepter and talents are allowed. Help from ally hero or enemy hero is not allowed.
  2. Smoke of Deceit is banned, I want to simplify testing. Ninja gear is allowed
  3. No item swapping from backpack. For example, using Phase Boots active, then swapping it for Wind Waker is not allowed.
  4. If the movement speed gain from an ability depends on how many enemy heroes/creeps are hit by an ability, the test will contain 5 enemy heroes and 10 enemy creeps. Most relevant to Legion Commander.

I think that's all for the rules. I hope I didn't forget something.

Now for my results:

Honorable mentions:
I managed to get over 1200 ms on heroes like Troll, Invoker or Visage. There is probably more that can go past this mark, but I don't think they can get in to top 5.

Number 5 – Alchemist with 1314 ms:

Items: Force Boots, Phase Boots, Boots of Bearing, Silver Edge and 3 x Wind Waker.
Calculations: (305 (base ms) + 110 (ms from ult with lvl 25 talent) + 30 (ms from shard) + 115 (ms from force boots) + 20 (ms from Boots of Bearing aura) + 150 (ms from 3x Wind Waker) * (1 + 0.2 (ms buff from unstable concoction) + 0.2 (ms buff from phase boots) + 0.15 (ms buff from Boots of Bearing) + 0.25 (ms buff from silver edge)) = 1314

Number 4 – Legion Commander with 1445 ms:

Items: Force Boots, Boots of Bearing, Phase Boots, Silver Edge, 3x Wind waker.
Calculations: (330 (base ms) + 115 (ms from Force Boots) + 20 (ms from Boots of Bearing aura) + 150 (ms from 3x Wind Waker) * (1 + 0.15 (ms buff from Boots of Bearing) + 0.25 (ms buff from Silver Edge) + 0.2 (ms buff from phase boots) + 0.75 (ms buff from overwhelming odds on 5 enemy heroes and 10 enemy creeps)) = 1445

Number 3 – Slark with 1498 ms:

Items: Force Boots, Boots of Bearing, Silver Edge, 4x Wind Waker.
Calculations: (300 (base ms) + 115 (ms from force boots) + 20 (ms from Boots of Bearing aura) + 200 (ms from 4x Wind Waker) * (1 + 0.15 (ms buff from Boots of Bearing) + 0.25 (ms buff from silver edge) + 0.48 (ms buff from ult) + 0.48 (ms buff from depth shroud)) = 1498

Number 2 – Spirit Breaker with 2265 ms:

Items: Ninja Gear, Boots of Bearing, Phase Boots, Silver Edge, 3x Wind Waker.
Calculations: (295 (base ms) + 550 (ms from Charge) + 65 (ms from Boots of Bearing) + 20 (ms from Boots of Bearing aura) + 150 (ms from 3x Wind Waker + 25 (ms from Ninja Gear) * (1 + 0.15 (ms buff from Boots of Bearing) + 0.25 (ms buff from Silver Edge) + 0.2 (ms buff from Phase Boots) + 0.25 (ms buff from bulldoze) + 0.2 (ms buff from Ninja Gear)) = 2265

Number 1 – Blood Seeker with 2808 ms:

Items: Ninja Gear, Boots of Travel 2, 5 x Wind Waker.
Calculations: (300 (base ms) + 110 (ms from Boots of Travel 2) + 25 (ms from Ninja Gear) + 250 (ms from 5x Wind Waker) * (1 + 0.2 (ms buff from Ninja Gear) + 2.9 (ms from thirst with lvl 25 talent on 5 < 10% hp enemy heroes) = 2808

If someone can get a better number on the heroes from this post, or can find a hero that can get faster, please let me know. There is a lot of weird mechanics that I could miss.


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