Idea how to reduce the unnecessary grind

I think I came up with a couple of ideas to still make it not trivial to get materials while allowing it to be more accessible for those who have very limited time and dare I say it…maybe even sort of fun.

  1. Broaden the potential mission rewards to include what HGE signals in that system would give. Example :: Outbreak in the system. Quest rewards could be what they are now with the added potential for Pharmaceutical Isolators. Same for every other HGE signal.
  2. Give the mat traders specific missions that ONLY pay in materials. Example :: "Hey I've been having trouble with (faction A). Go kill 12 of them for me and I'll give you 32 Datamined Wake Exceptions. Or bring me 60 tons of beer and I'll give you 5 Proto Radiolic Alloys.

Sorry if I'm just rehashing but this would be a boon to a lot of people.


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