I’m finally ok with the idea of no new cards

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

When I heard the news, I was so disheartened at first. Although I'm not a super competitive player, I have been playing rather consistently and have been playing since the closed beta. And yeah, it's still sad to know that so many cards from the books or from underdeveloped lore won't see the light in the game.

But a few days ago, when I was fiddling around with my decks (I'm mostly an RP ST player), I noticed that so many cards are basically unused or underperforming. I imagine what it would be like if all the cards had a solid place in some kind of halfway decent deck and that made hopeful.

So many decks/archetypes basically have just enough cards to make it work without too many opportunities to have a lot of different options. But if more attention was turned to balance and attention to cards that have kind been left behind, we would have more diversity in decks, more options to choose from, more answers to netdecking and whatever is meta, etc.

So, to my fellow Gwent players that are kinda in the dumps about the future of the game, don't be. Improving upon what we already have could be the best thing to happen to the game, if done significantly and correctly (I also like all the "sunset" card designs I see in this sub too!).

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/10pbidl/im_finally_ok_with_the_idea_of_no_new_cards/

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