Increasing my conduct summary

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So I've recently picked up dota again since I quit in 2018/2019, I was never a negative player, always kept a positive attitude and was decently ranked (this was before the Ancient/Divine system) as a 5k player, when I quit I was just burnt out, felt I had reached my peak and was busy working and studying at the same time, during this time period and my de-attachment from the game I was playing super casual between uni lectures and managed to rack up 3 abandons, I don't condone this behaviour at all, like I said I was just detached from the game and knew that I was weening myself off it, when I was active I would never abandon and wasn't toxic, you can see my summary here:

Now my question is, for the last year I've been trying to play some games super casually back on this account, and the bracket I'm in has really long queue times and just the most obnoxious people, I either mute or just maintain a good attitude but I can't deal with it anymore, I made an alt account and played about 50 games in the last year, plus the handful on my main account, but I don't want to be labelled a smurf or play on that alt account since my main account has a lot of old skins, and feels more natural to play on, so I've read it's 15 games for a recalibration but I've played about 22 without any abandons and I still can't manage to recalibrate, you can see my old conduct summary was in 2019 so it's been a very long time

Edit: Got my recalibration and my score has gone down… I feel so lost


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