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Installation for massacre stacking is underrated

I don't get why people are using RES sites for massacre stacking when you have installations.

Instead of waiting for the occasional local pirate to spawn at the RES site, installations basically guarantee that you have 30+ local pirates spawning in multiple waves, and an even larger police force battling them. Once the pirate attack starts, you'll be popping mission targets every 10 secs.

All you gotta do is arrive at the installation and wait a minute or so for the pirate attack to start and boom you have dozens of mission targets for you to slaughter. What's more, it's usually medium ships with a few large ships thrown into the mix so each kill gives you a decent bounty reward.

As an added bonus, scanning stuff near the installation gives you some encoded materials.

The only downside is that you gotta be careful not to fly into the pirates before the police arrives because the pirates start off hostile. Also control your fire to not hit the installation or you risk a fine / bounty.

But I like to view these downsides as adding to the challenge. Instead of ganging up with 10 police to take down 1 pirate, you actually have a reasonable challenge (though police firepower is still stronger in general).

Combine with tools like, one can easily find a system (e.g. Bhumatz) with surrounding systems that want you to massacre the system's local pirates.

So why are people still waiting at RES sites for that particular local faction pirate instead of going to installations?


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