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Is it impossible to you to climb from Crusader to Divine 4?

DOTA 2 Guides

So I was casually playing a soloQ this evening on the European server and I ran into this guy who was ready to swear to god I was smurfing because my previous rank is Crusader and my medal was Divine 4 at the time of the game. (We won the game and I rekt him in lane as pos 5 vs pos 4 in a favorable matchup).

His argument was that Crusader was too low of a start for anyone to recover from there.

My Dota 2 journey started 2 and a half year ago, I was playing League and switched to Dota 2, and got pretty heavily coached by my Divine 5 brother. I am no smurf and this guy was embarassing himself.

Anyways I wanted to know if to you too guys it is impossible to climb like I did? In his shoes would you say the same things?

PS: The guy seemed to have a very PMA, apologized for the lane to his Offlaner and said he did good (Magnus went 0/9). It was frustrating to me not to be able to hate smurfs together with that guy! :/


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