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Is it possible to onetrick in Dota2?

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I am relatively new to both League of Legends and Dota 2. So far I sticked with LoL because I prefer to learn one hero properly and gradually improving my skill for given hero (Anivia in this case, if you ever tried LoL) and I only pick other, yet similar characters if my hero is banned etc. Here is the thing, I tried to stick with one champ in Dota 2 but I am thinking it is simply not possible. Is the game too reliable on ingame knowledge of counter picks etc. so that onetricking is impossible? Or is it perhaps just that I haven’t found the champ which would suit me? So far I have tried Winter Wyvern and Phoenix because they had some similarities to the LoL Anivia champion. If you have any ideas I would be glad to her them. Honestly, it just might be that I am so used to that one champion that I just want to transfer it from one to the other game somehow. It makes me a little upset because I really want to give this game another chance.


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