Is there any way I can change the victory words of DotA? How to do a fun DotA 2 pregnancy reveal for husband

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I've been trying to get pregnant, and I thought a really fun if I were to do a pregnancy reveal for my husband I would use DotA. We love playing DotA, and we know that it'll be alot harder when we do have kids. So I thought it the pregnancy reveal could be a super nice hurrah and gaming party. I thought of like, organizing a gaming party with a 10 man party with some friends. Then coerse my friends to maybe choose like dad like heroes? or we can do boy heroes vs girl heroes, and drop all these hints without him knowing. Like we can put baby chat wheel noises.

So I thought at the end when his team wins, instead of doing like "Radiant Victory" it can be like "You're gonna be a Dad"

I've seen some people design custom victory end screens. Just wondered if it's at all possible. let me know.


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