Isn’t assimilate design limitation?

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

This patch soldiers and tactics got buffed. Soldiers got a huge rework including leader ability and Enslave got great Stefan-Helge combo, Ardal buff and rework on Magne division.

The moment season started everyone was playing Imperial Formation soldiers and Enslave 5/6, but in few hours I noticed almost every NG started using assimilate and now like 90% is DC assimilate with Stefan, soldiers package and Magne. And what feels off is that this version using cards from 3 archetypes is definitely the strongest.

So isn't assimilate a design limitation? Stefan wasn't supposed to be used in assimilate but he triggers it 3 times, with a good board setup it's even more points than with Helge in Enslave 6. Nauzicaa sergeant and slave driver are just more points with assimilate engines on the board. Vigo is like a 12 provisions card with new soldiers cards.

I know it's too soon to call anything meta but DC assimilate with all the reworked stuff is just straight up better than soldiers and tactics alone. It reminds me of situation when devs decided to buff thinning tools in NG and it ended up buffing clog to the point where it came back to meta. And it was after they nerfed clog in like 3 patches straight. Assimilate was also nerfed few times so it fell off but now it's back even though reworks were meant to completely different archetypes. Basically old DC deck just took everything what's best from new patch and became very strong again.

What's you thoughts? Is it fine or you think it should be looked at?


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