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It was fun. Until it wasn’t.

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

I don't expect you to read all this.
I'm just ranting in frustration.

My first gameplay.
I killed the Elder. I died once or twice, but it was great fun!
Then I spent a whole real life day trying to find the swamp.
I kept running and running through the edges of the black forest and the sea until suddenly I see a new biome in front of me. Sadly, it's not the swamp. "Plains" says then minimap.
I better not go any further, I say, and as I'm backing up, I explode.
No idea how. I'm just dead.

So I respawn and run back there to grab my bronze equipment I spent hours and hours and hours mining for as I knew it would have paid off spending all that time gearing up nicely!
And so I ran. 8 minutes from my closest base to my dead body. I don't enter the plains. Again, I want to be careful. And again I explode. Still, no idea what killed me.

I start getting frustrated.
But I'm resilient.

So, again I respawn and run there. 8 minutes.
This time I crouch and stay well far away from the plains. And I explode.
But this time I see what seems like a big mosquito near my dead body! Great! Now I know what I'm up against.
I google it.
I have to kill it from a distance with a bow.
And so I did, after running for 8 minutes.
But I'm careful again. And I see a second mosquito in the distance. I kill that one too. Nothing else in sight!

I approach one of my many tombs until I find the one with all my bronze equipment. I find it. I transfer all. But it doesn't because I have too many things in my inventory. I'm just making sure to grab all my bronze things.
And I explode again.
This time a goblin. Somehow he snuck up to me.
So, again, I run. I get there and I can see around all my tombs 2 goblins and 2 mosquitoes. I have a bow, a wooden club and no more will to live.

So, I let it go. I give up.
I'll just have to right click on rocks for hours for some new copper and tin to make new equipment. How fun! Then I'll be able to run again in search of the swamp.
But I need to gear up first. I think of all that I need. Some nice troll leather to protect myself in case the forest decides to move. I need some fine wood. I need everything.
It dawns on me.
I need to start the game from zero.

I'm sure this is not the experience everyone's had with this game. And it can be a fun game.

So, goodbye Valheim.
It was fun. Until it wasn't.


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