After watching SirActionSlacks’ guide to Diaperman, I am left with a deep yearning for the Fists of Axe Unleashed, one of the most iconic cosmetics in the game. But wait, since I wasn’t playing during 2019, I will NEVER be able to get the item. I get making scarcity to influence people to buy the BP but at some point, why not just put these kind of items on the store a couple years (2-3) after the battle pass ends. Give those who got the item the exclusivity for a while, then let those who couldn’t/didn’t get the item get themselves.
Maybe I am just bitter for not having it and/or deeply underestimating the number of whales who spend $$$ to instantly get things like the Drow Arcana (from what I found it was about $140 from level 0), but that translates to roughly 4 people buying an Arcana on the store ($35). I am willing to bet the overlap between people who spend that kind of money to get it instantly and the people who would wait 2-3 years to buy it to be low.
Dont even make it tradeable/marketable! Literally make it so the only place to get those items is the store. If you really want to keep the scarcity going, make it a rotating store like other games have.