Yeah yeah, I don't care if Suggestion Saturday has ended. I decided to lay off off-meta testing for a bit due to vbucks bankrupt.
Introducing Radiation Weapons!
These weapons have a built-in unique perk which reduces the max health of the husks, making it harder for healer husks to heal the other targets or reduces healing deathburst's efficiency by 50%. But it deals a lower damage than meta weapons for balancing reasons. Maximum health reduction for husks is 50% and doesn't go lower. All Radiation weapons are energy locked because logically Radiation is an Energy. Mist monsters and bosses are immune to radiation effects.
Ranged weapons
The Unstable Core
A slow firing automatic assault rifle which pierces through the husks with a mag size of 30 rounds per mag. It has a medium accuracy and uses energy ammo for balancing reasons. Comes in Legendary rarity only with a special unique 6th perk only available for this weapon. (Dealing damage on the same target making the husks around it get irradiated. making the other radiation weapons more effective)
Default crit rating: 10%
Default crit damage: 50%
No other available 6th perks (Unique weapon)
Beta blaster
A radiation shotgun that shoots uranium depleted pellets that irradiates the husks and triggers a small nuclear explosion on critical hit. deals 90% of the weapon damage in a 3 tiles radius. Has a cooldown of 20 seconds. Each shot consumes 2 energy ammo and has a mag size of 8 shots (16 energy ammo per mag) and has a fire rate of Vindertech's Disintegrator. Available in Epic and Legendary rarity
Default crit rating: 15%
Default crit damage 50%
other available 6th perks: Deals affliction damage for 6 seconds, Hits snares the target by 30%, standing still increases damage by 11% and stacks 5 times but moving removes the boost.
A pistol that shoots radiation waves that can irradiate the husks around the target that it hit. But has 6 shots and slow semi-auto fire rate. Triggers explosion on critical hits with the same requirements as above.
Default crit rating: 20%
Default crit damage: 75%
other available 6th perks: standing still with this weapon increases damage by 11% and stacks up to 5 times but moving removes the boost.
Fat Man [Bethesda crossover! And yeah some bugs as well /s]
A catapult mini-nuke launcher that explodes in a 5 tiles radius, leaving radiation fields. Husks stepping on radiation fields receive radiation burning which decreases their max health.
A hardware melee weapon that assembles 4 fusion cores that has holes in them and work like a sledgehammer (Just like the one in fallout 4). Triggers a small nuclear explosion on crit every 20 seconds and the attack speed is on par with Vindertech's Slammer
Default crit rating: 20%
Default crit damage: 75%
Other available 6th perks: Deals affliction damage for 6 seconds. Critical hits triggers an AoF snare (30% snare) in a 1 tile radius. Eliminations trigger a small nuclear explosion (cooldown: 20 seconds).
Rad Needle
A spear melee weapon that has an unstable Francium sharp tip and uses long thrusting attacks. Critical hits trigger a small nuclear explosion (cooldown: 15 seconds).
Default crit rating: 15%
Default crit damage: 75%
Other available 6th perks: Eliminating a husk with this weapon increases damage. Husk eliminations trigger a small nuclear explosion (cooldown: 15 seconds)
The Leaded Slicer
A radiation inflecting sword that uses fast attack speed that deals sustained damage. Husk eliminations leave radiation fields which reduces the husks max health by 20% when they step on it.
Default crit rating: 15%
Default crit damage: 75%
no other available 6th perks (Unique weapon)
Radiation Field (Credit goes to u/Deyruu for the idea)
A modified patrol ward that burst a radiation field in a 3 tiles radius when the husks get closer to it. Their max health is instantly reduced by 50% making radiation weapons even more effective against the husks.
BuT tHe RaDiAtIoN wEaPoNs WiLl Be OvErPoWeReD wAAAAh WaaaaH!
That's where I introduce the Hazmat husky which is immune to all kinds of radiation effects (duh). Less vulnerable to energy and elemental weapons but more vulnerable to physical weapons (takes 150% of the damage from physical weapons/traps). It does only come in physical form and no elemental form.
A M1A is one of the best newbie to mid game player options (level 10-25) at the moment (and a high end modded m1a is a very good option for high end ...