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I’ve hit a plateau and I need help.

Manage your Mods easily with Dota Mods

Just recently hit 3.2k. I have been playing mostly position 4. And in a lot of my games I feel like the carry plays well, I play well, but, for some reason we still lose.

And I can’t help but to think that maybe it’s the draft. Granted I’ve been getting into games where our mids want to farm for late game and I’m like that’s not wise, we need to push and end mid game against heroes like WK, PL, Arc etc.

So here I am playing just as good if not better, but losing every other game.

Anyways, maybe it’s my heroes. My question then is, what heroes would have the most game impact from a 4 position? Because at the end of the day, let’s face it, I’ll always have shitty teammates, but, if I can’t do enough the game is a loss.

And furthermore, since pub Dota supports pick first, I have to expect that I’ll be countered.


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