June season ladder state

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

Hello, hope you're doing great.

Let's have a nice discussion regarding the beginning of the season and our experiences for the first week. What list are you playing? What lists are you facing that are giving you a headache? How are you feeling after the patch?

Right now I'm playing Mutagenerator Siege and trying SY Self-Poison but failing due to the deck complexity. Also have played a little bit of ST Mov Engines because I love seeing the cards jumping in the board, it has worked a few times.

Mostly I'm facing Symbiosis and Hand Buff, Siege has destroyed the Symbiosis matches and Hand Buff has proven to be tricky to play agains. SY Self-poison showed to be solid but there're a lot of missplays that you're going to do on the first few games.

Right now, I feel the ladder is pretty more enjoyable to play because it's not GN-Aerond XX decks everywhere and right now I don't think we'll have a toxic meta but we're still in the first week.

What about you?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/v8fn4d/june_season_ladder_state/

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