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Just another day in Valheim

fictional character

So I'm on my first playthrough and just completed a couple of crypts and have my (first) karve loaded up with my first load of scrap iron that I have to sail a very long and hazardous way home to smelt. This is it! Odin be praised I'm finally gonna get me some iron stuff and all the other vikings are going to have to take me seriously and stop calling me silly names when I'm eating my carrot soup like a peasant and they're feasting on sausages and whatnot.

I sneak downriver past a plains biome, killing one deathsquito while still on my boat even though I only have troll armour and broze weapons. I'm round the corner staying just away from the ocean biome (don't want any serpents to sink all my lovely iron) with a swamp on the shore. We're doing good. Still a long way from home but we're making progress. Then I see something very weird. The swamp is giving way to black forest and there's a building there that is really different from anything I've ever seen before. I open my map to make a bookmark when suddenly I hear it: haHA! A fuling. My map has a tiny bit of plains at the edge of where the swamp meets the black forest and there is a very small fuling camp (I think it's just one building) there. The ocean comes very close to the shore here so I'm well within aggro range of the fulings. So I'm slightly panicking and things from the black forest are coming towards my boat. Night is drawing in and I see a fuling is now also chasing me and there is a blob from the swamp joining the party.

Suddenly there is a huge 3-way fight between some hapless greydwarfs, the blob and the fuling. I take advantage of the confusion and bring my boat ashore because it needs repairs after being attacked a few times by the fuling given it took some hits from the deathsquito earlier. I am just around the corner from the battle which I can still hear in the background. I manage to throw up a workbench planning to do some repairs when I hear a sickening crunch. The fuling has killed all the others and my boat and is now coming for me.

I managed to kill the fuling and happily my iron scrap dropped close enough to shore that I could get it all with a bit of running and jumping and spamming keys. I had the materials to put up a portal so after putting my metal scrap in chests I portalled home to dry off and sleep. The next day I was able to come back, build a new boat and sail home.

What an awesome game this is.


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