Just want to share my frustration and sadness

Valheim โ€“ Quick Tips to Start

Hi Valheim community. After HH update I started a new world, did a nice build and kept improving it. Went all the way to plains, the only thing left was to kill Yagluth!
But on my way home for Christmas, in a long train ride, I wanted to play a bit, on my work computer. With very bad Internet, tried to run Valheim and the sync didn't go well, I landed in the same world, but way at the beginning of the building (probably last time I opened this world on this computer was in that state). Turned it off, then the sync worked – my current empty version got sent to the cloud ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I got discouraged, started a new world, played there a bit with a new character and then I am just waiting for some significant updates.
Yesterday I started the game after months to play with my brother in his world. At the end, I invited him to my world to show him my build. I logged in and there was that old version from the train! My build was gone, my resources, everything. I just had my weapons and armour on me and a bit of food, not much.
I tried with renaming some .fwl and .db files from a few months ago but nothing, still very old version. Very sad and makes me not wanna come back to this game again, go though everything again. Just wanted to share my frustration ๐Ÿ˜‚ cheers good people

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/t6lyyk/just_want_to_share_my_frustration_and_sadness/

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