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Labs event – AI Scav Behavior

The AI scavs at Labs are for sure acting different. It’s kinda cool to see the progress of AI and I’m pretty sure BSG is trying something out with this Labs event.

I was running to elevator extract on bottom floor and right when I run thru a door there’s a Scav crouched and leaning who crushed me with a shotgun blast. I just happened to point fire because it scared the shit outta me and headshot him but after extract it said he wasn’t a player Scav.

In another raid one came into the garage area and immediately aimed down sights at me, but he shot directly in front of me and then again to the side missing me from 20m or so, single firing one or two rounds each time. I thought it was a player trying to bait me into shooting him first to avoid losing Scav Karma while still fighting me and taking my gear, so I just kept backpedaling aiming at his head. After about 4 wayward shots the Scav said a voice prompt and full auto killed me before I could even react. On the death screen it again said it was a random name AI Scav.

Anyone else notice any “different” behaviors or aggression?


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