Late-game is too hard

Is Valheim coming

Me and a friend kinda speedran this game last year (not intentionaly, we were just so hooked in it), and I remember that we lost motivation as soon as we reached the plains. It'just too hard. We have maxed out black metal weapons and padded gear, but we still constantly get our asses kicked by the goblins. A while back I got back to the game and wanted to get tar, because it didn't exist when we played. And I got my ass wiped by the tar growths. They are just too hard to fight. Fulings swarm you with their numbers and growths kinda stunlock you in a way.

Inb4: No, I do not hate the game, I just think the plains biome is not balanced, and no, I am not bad at the game, every new biome was terrifying at first, but when you got better they became a piece of cake, that just never happened with the plains. We brute-forced ourway to black metal gear, the best there was at the time, and still got wiped in the plains.


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