Learning offlane and i’m pretty bad. How do I handle the lane when its 2v1?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Learning how to play offlane. Often i'll do well in lane, maybe pickup a kill, and then my support roams elsewhere to help the other lanes. The problem is i'm not sure what to do at that point. Typically one of the following happens:

1) Enemy 1/5 stays in lane, both harassing me, and I get 0 CS and enemy 1 who was falling behind now gets free farm and catches up.

2) Enemy 12 stays in lane, 5 goes to stack or ward in jungle or something (isn't on screen for a little while). I walk up to creeps to CS/deny and then support walks out behind me and 1/5 kills me.

What am I supposed to be doing when my support leaves?

  • Am I supposed to just soak experience and let enemy free farm for a few minutes?
  • Should I leave lane too to make plays elsewhere, though again, letting the enemy 1 free farm?
  • If I don't see the enemy 5, do I just need to be playing far back until I do? What if he just doesn't show for a while?

Any tips would be great. I've watched a few high level games but it seems like everytime the 4 leaves the enemy 5 leaves as well which hasn't been my experience. Having trouble finding example games of my common situation.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12ep4mh/learning_offlane_and_im_pretty_bad_how_do_i/

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