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[Legit no-cheat killed bonemass]

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

So I am playing through the full game solo, no cheats finally. I've played through once with cheats and once with mods. This time, I wanted the full effect – no cheats.

I finally felt like I was in a good spot to take on bonemass: maxed out iron gear + troll cape; food (sausages, muckshake, deer stew, poison potion, minor stamina potion); and I built a bunch of earth walls around the summoning spot, plus an alcove that he ended up sommoning into, which worked even better because he got trapped in it.

I only died once because I was stupid and got greedy on a few extra hits when I should have backed out to reload. Total fight time – just under 6 minutes. Fully melee, no range. The earth walls kept the rifraff out and the bonemass mobs contained. I also flattened all the ground inside my makeshift arena.

I was quite surprised at how easy a fight it really was, as long as I remained patient with him. Onward to the mountains!


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