Lets be better to each other.

Walheim - five bosses

I think the title says it all but I want to offer the idea to this once friendly and welcoming community.

I see people posting a variety of ideas and builds, questions that range from the interesting to the obvious, celebrations and heartbreaking defeats.

Unfortunately, what follows has turned this once great forum into a trash pile of anger and misplaced wrath.
I notice that if someone posts something that someone else disagrees with, the OP is met with a barrage of hate and insulting comments. Frankly, it’s embarrassing.

I understand this is social media and we are on the internet where anonymity reigns supreme but what if we tried, just a little, to try to keep this place uplifting and positive.

We are meant to disagree, thats a good thing. We don’t need to be so terrible to each other to express though.

Please fellow vikings…
Lets be better to each other.
I believe we can do it.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/viniv9/lets_be_better_to_each_other/

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