Let’s look at some of Gwent’s underdeveloped archetypes

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

FactionArchetype NameCardpool SizeViabilityIssues
MODeathwish264Needs more ways to trigger same turn deathwish.
MOWild Hunt203Needs more frost payoff cards.
NGTactics202Tactics (Except Coup) are weak; payoff cards (Stefan Skellen, Fire Scorpions) are fragile.
NGSpies183Impera Enforcers are too fragile, No synergistic leader except IF
NGSoldiersA lot2No payoff cards except Vreemde. Many bronze soldiers actually support other archetypes.
NGAssimilate134Initial engines are slow to setup.
NRResupply171Warfare cards are weak and payoff engines are slow
NRShields131Limited cardpool.
STHarmony102Card pool is extremely small, bronzes are highly powercrept.
STDwarvesA lot4Hrrggggh Yrdoooon
STTraps94Limited number of traps. Mahakam Horn and Stalk Trap are antisynergistic with Eldain.
STMovement94Limited cardpool, reliant on fragile 5p bronzes.
SKDruids214Issues with core bronze engines
SKPirates25-ish3Consistency issues, pirates are alright but most ships are weak.
SKSelf WoundA lot3Self Wound has no consistent gameplan
SYFireswornA lot4Was viable ~8 months ago, but now powercrept


4 = 1-2 reworks or cards away from being viable

3 = Needs several new cards including golds to be viable

2 = Barely viable, the archetype's synergies are too weak

1 = Fundamental issues with tempo, sequencing, and power that hamstring the archetype, barring a complete rework

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/o9xilw/lets_look_at_some_of_gwents_underdeveloped/

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