Rebalancing the Daily Quests: Some of the Daily Quests are harder than some. You can't compare the Win 5 matches with a specific faction with play 60 cards. I know their income isn't the same but winning 5 matches is a huge requirement. Winning with 5 matches quests might be winning 2 matches with 2 or 3 factions instead of one and 5 matches. We can keep the easy ones because I'll explain below.
Roll for Easier Quest: Somedays, you can't play Gwent like the other days. I don't know how many times can you roll the daily quest because I started the game from Prestige 1-40, it was starting from 1, In some prestige level, you will get 2nd. Daily Quests can be randomized, but If you get an easy tier quest and if you will roll it, you'll get a harder one. Also If you get a harder one, you might get an easier one. Rolling 3 Hard Quests aren't OK.
Rebalancing the Journey Progress: After a day, you'll get 14 Well-Rested bonuses, which gives you an extra crown point for winning each round. That means that bonus applies for 7 wins. Gwent isn't a fast game, every game takes almost 10-15 minutes even if you won't use whole time every time. Let's say an average of 15 minutes, even if you win every match, you have to spend more than one hour. I think we have to increase the well-rested bonus crown points. With this system, It felts like I'm working for Gwent instead of having fun while playing.
Adding Time-Exclusive Events: This was happening before, but no more. The team decided to decrease the card numbers for this year. At least maybe we can get like old Saovine Festival puzzles like before, you can see an example here; gwent saovine – knockin on horror's door – expert mode – YouTube
Adding Some Fun Cards: Actually, my desire is to add a new game mode but I know this is hard. This is actually a new game mode but this is similar to Gwent which we know but some of the new fun cards will be exclusive to this mode. They might draw some cards, they might game-changer cards like Beta Kambi, they might use their creativity, this will be a casual mode. Maybe we can get the daily progress on this mode like Training Causal mode. This will be a refreshing mode for Gwent I think. It might have full of RNG.
I'm playing the game since open beta and having tough days lately. This won't change the game's situation for the competitive arena, but maybe keep the players which want to play only for having a collection.
Ping issues on the US Central server have been getting worse and worse every update since 1.6. Went from every 30-40 battles to every single battle. ...