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lighthouse trader, and other future trader speculation and theories

I re watched a part of the live action Raid show again today and was curious if the trader they call Ogryzok in the show might be the lighthouse trader. I was wrong but I went on the wiki to check the upcoming features page for any info and found three upcoming traders listed, One of which is a guy referred to as Warden.

It doesn't say much, but the page says his location is Lighthouse and his bio reads: "The current Tarkov Lighthouse warden, a specialist in radio and naval electronic devices." From this description im almost imagining him as like a cross between Prapor and Mechanic.

While my theory about him wasn't correct its possible that the trader Ogryzok from the show is the same as the upcoming suburbs trader listed on the wiki called Khokhol , whos real name is "Ogrizenko Artemiy Volodimirovich". I'm not a Russian speaker but Ogryzok seems like it could be a shortening, or nickname, for Ogrizenko.

His bio reads: "Director of the storage branch of the Shestyorochka retail food chain. Being in possession of large amounts of food and water, when the general commotion started he decided to make a quick buck by selling them to whoever was able to pay." so he'll most likely deal with consumables, and maybe if we all behave we'll get some more mayo eating quests.

Also i feel like i should just mention the other guy listed on the wiki as an upcoming trader is called Bashkir , who it says is supposed to be on shoreline.

His bio says: "A former foreman of the Tarkov cargo port riggers. He has always dealt in under-the-counter sales of the port goods. After the UN deployment he became a key intermediary between various shadow businesses inhabiting the port area." Not super sure what to make of this, he kind of just sounds like skier but different.

Im not sure how long ago these articles were written and keep in mind they are in the upcoming section of the wiki, which of course is subject to change and is not canon or hard fact, but i thought that it was pretty interesting and might be a little sneak peak at whats in store for us not even just with the next update but even beyond that.


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