Advice on what next?

I've been playing for about two months now and am starting to feel lost. For me the game doesn't start until I'm done grinding. But at the same time, grinding towards something gives purpose.

I love the look of the Imperial ships so I unlocked the Cutter for my end game ship. I just recently unlocked all the main engineers and have fully engineered this ship. Now, I can finally enjoy the game right? Wrong.

Now I feel lost. PvE is easy and I just set this up overnight to AFK stack massacre missions. I've been doing hazres mining (screenshots below) to grind up Elite status and unlock Jameson.

I know people warn heavily about grinding too much and how it takes the fun out of the game. That makes sense, but I'm still trying to find my niche in the universe. I've tried piracy, trading, mining, combat and just can't feel satisfied.

I would like to try PvP in some other Imperial ships. But from what I've read the FDL dominates everything. At the same time the PvP FDLs have almost no jump range so I'm not sure how Commanders work around that. Using Fleet Carriers for support?

What do all you other Commanders do who have been at this for years now? I know people have put thousands of hours into this game and I am looking for advice on keeping the game fresh and exciting.

I know there is lots to do in this game so I'm just looking for advice, builds or next projects to start. I'd really love if people could share their favorite Imperial builds.


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