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Little vent on OD mid.

DOTA 2 Guides

I don't even play anymore, but I still love watching the game, but if there's one thing I despise seeing it's a last pick OD mid.

A lot of patches have got that "haha" hero, but christ, nobody likes OD players anyway.

Decent armour, rushes meteor hammer so he gets a ring of health so he's hard to poke down. Then whenever you do try to poke him down, it's just banish. He clicks a button and you take damage.

That's okay, but it's from a range that's way higher than attack range. Then he gets the hammer and if he's decided to pay any attention to what he's doing, you're getting a big bonk.

Then he just pushes the other guy out. He'll either kill you, or you'll be real low, and the hammer's coming again soon.

It's not like he's omgsuperop because he does jack in the mid game, and starts out with no wave clear, but there's something about seeing him constantly trying to get in range for banish that just annoys me.

Anyone who plays against this, sorry man, just keep your cool, farm your stuff, don't bother trying to kill him unless he's very recently used his kit. Early on in the lane he's pretty crap so you can usually out CS him. You probably won't pepper him out the lane because the ring of health is coming real fast so don't make that your goal. He doesn't farm well until he's got the hammer and then some, so just communicate well with your team and don't let him get ganks off. He also generally buys blink too so just take advantage of the fact that he's pretty easy to kill once he's blinked. I imagine getting smacked by his combo can be frustrating but just aim to outfarm him and play your hero's game, not his. BKB ruins his life so grab one of those where necessary too. Remember too that his orb works on Rosh, so keep in mind he'll likely try that earlier than most heroes do. If you can take his tower quickly, which you should be able to, then you can keep him away too from the small camp he'll want to hit with his hammer, and you can also call in a support to tank the banish while you go after him.

TL;DR – OD is not hard to play against, but is boring af to watch and play against. Like playing against the same guy every game.


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