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Looking for a team EU West

Manage your Mods easily with Dota Mods

Hello folks,

Dota is the game I am playing the most once more and I am grewing really tired of the random matchmaking and skill disparity BS happening in Guardian/Crusader rank preventing non smurf but skilled player to actually play with team mates with as much APM, gamesens and skill .

I played Dota for 8 years and used to be Legend 5 at peak a few years ago before stopping and I am quite certain I still belong there and could thrive at an healthy 50% WR if I was.

I am stuck in Guardian Hell and my winrate can't somehow go past 50% which is infuriating because I have consistantly been in the top 20/15% of any competitive games I've played among WarcraftIII, StarcraftII, MTG, Hearthstone, Chess, I'll assume the statement that I think the MMR is rigged and I feel being the most competent player of 80%+ of any matches I am playing atm.

My favorite hero is Invoker but I have a wide pool of heroes I master quite well regardless of the position, Im very adaptable.

I am looking to meet some mates with competitive but tilt free spirit to play regularly with & make our gaming experience more enjoyeable and create bonds over time.

I usually play 3 games a day, sometime more on the weekend, either 2>4PM or 9PM>2AM.

If you are interested or know a community/discord to make this happening please contact me in this thread!

Here's my Dotabuff:


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