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Love for the spear

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It seems like every time I do a playthrough, I end up maining the spear. I feel like I always see such mixed reviews on it, though, and understandably. Some people love it but maybe most really don't? But I think it's worth reconsidering if you haven't really given it a chance, or not immediately bailing on if you're a new player with Mistlands update.

First of all, I do think the animation needs work. The overhead thrust is a bit strange. With that, it's also annoying that you can't hit anything below a certain level.

I've gotten so used to it, however. In the early game, it's just the best weapon for the job IMO. I know on "best DPS" math posts people have done since original release, the spear and pierce weapons usually come up short, but — that knockback, though. I think in practice you can actually deal so much more damage with the spear (and the dagger), because with club or axe, you can't actually finish combos much of the time because your target gets yeeted away from you.

Also in the early game, pierce is such a good damage type. You can rip trolls apart so easily if you have the hang of rolling and stamina management, and eventually parrying … and this in the fraction of the time it takes to shoot them to death with bow and arrow.

Finally, the throw — I find I don't craft a bow until I get to the mountains. Once you get used to the throw, it's just so deadly and has more than enough range. Bonus points that it "calls" everything to you for some reason, and all the boar in a certain radius aggro to you. Also, the "throw and close?" Chuck your spear for 2.5x damage, sprint at your enemy, auto-pick up spear and hit them a few times while they're staggered. Super fun and effective.

I usually only craft and fully upgrade a flint spear, and this lasts me until I build fang spear. By the time you're legit fighting wolves consistently, your skill level is so high and pierce damage gets such a good bonus against them, you just don't need to craft bronze or ancient.

If you like to spam the parry whenever you can, the low stamina cost of the spear becomes a huge asset, also.

I do usually carry a club, too, for early game skellies, burial chambers, and the swamps. I find I still use the (upgraded flint) spear against Draugr, but blobs, leeches, spawners are just easier with the club of course, and by far the easiest way to beat bonemass is with an iron mace, and eventually golems. So I usually do have like level 30 in maces by the time I get there, depending. Also, shoutout to swords, they just come along a bit later and I've always treated them as a bit more of a novelty weapon, but I do switch over occasionally in plains … similar with the battleaxe, just an insanely fun weapon with a wicked moveset since the H&H update. I've never really bothered with sledges, and I don't really use bows except for drakes and aggroing fulings.

I haven't played Mistlands yet, but gods am I excited. Dunno what's out there and what weapons will be most useful, but probably just with whatever weapon you're most skilled.

TLDR; spear is fun and arguably one of the most effective weapons in the game IMO if you learn to work around/with some of its jankiness


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