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Low-hanging fruit in terms of MTX

Just some ideas on more stuff to add, maybe as MTX to fund further development of the game and to help it feel just a bit livelier and comfier. If some of this stuff is already in the game please let me know, I'd love to check it out.

  • UI colors/mods/animations/fonts. There's plenty of third party mods that do this already but it could be implemented natively and they could add goodies on top of what the mods can do.
  • If you have engineered stuff or guardian tech it could color these parts accordingly on the little ship model. Make the speed readout go red when I'm boosting ffs. The throttle bar and shields could also change color depending on the component or mod, as well as the power distribution icons and weapon names. Those in particular could have a little text effect or underline when their optional attributes get activated (like a red underline that changes to blue when you land a hit with thermal conduit for example) basically, make it possible to see what engineering effects and components are applied just from the UI colors alone.
  • Custom player emblems. I'm thinking of Battlefield 4 and 1 here, they allowed you to create your own emblems from different shapes that would then show up in-game on vehicles and weapons.
  • Faction rank insignia on your ship as well as your uniform. Star Trek Online comes to mind.
  • Player name and rank in writing outside below the cockpit window like in a real fighter jet (srsly, that's not a thing?) while we're at it: callsigns. The stations could use those as well instead of just spelling out the first 3 letters of your name. In my case "Delacy Bravo India Golf" could become "Delacy Big Mike" for example. And for the love of god make them less formal if you have a high standing with them. Don't treat me like a stranger, I've spent billions at your port and have literally died multiple times for your faction.
  • More decals, freely placeable decals and writing, ability to apply paintjobs and decals to individual parts of the ship instead of the entire ship. This would go a long way to making your ships truly your own.
  • For the love of God please let me change the dashboard color at the very least, it's annoying when there's a bright surface behind the compass and it's impossible to see it when its in direct sunlight. I'd almost consider this a bug honestly
  • Player avatars in the bottom left panel when you target a ship. Dunno why that's not a thing yet, seems obvious. Especially since they show up in the chat sometimes. Puts a face to the ship you're fighting. They could even emote at stuff like direkt hits, laugh at you when they hit hard or scream in agony when destroyed.

If they ever add ship interiors:

  • Display options for cool shit you found while exploring. Things like plants (like Jedi Fallen Order had), uniques like guardian/thargoid artefacts, Ultra Rare materials, Rocks (they're minerals, Marie!), medal display for your ranks, armory with suits and guns, crafting table for customization (doesn't need to be Tarkov but gimme something. Gun skins are the low hanging fruit here.), maybe even wildlife like fish if they ever add something like that. Oh and scale models of ships (basically I want the Normandy experience from Mass Effect), flags of different factions, customizable furniture, lighting etc. Art pieces, framed screenshots, little statues. Just make it cozy.
  • Real, permanent crew members. With names, ranks and uniforms. It's insane that I'm flying behemoths like the big 3 all by myself. Instead of COVAS telling me the shields are down, why not let the chief engineer tell me? While we're at it: more in-depth ship maintenance mechanics (I'm a masochist and need more things to grind).
  • Visit and chat with passengers if you have any, inspect your cargo hold and SRVs, your ship's components, make them glow and beep differently when they're special/engineered. Basic stuff to make the grindy things just that little bit more satisfying and rewarding.

I'm honestly shocked some of these aren't in the game yet considering the ease of implementing them.

Some more random stuff that would be neat:

  • A museum that has thargoid/guardian/lore stuff on display where you could visit and learn more about the world. These could also give you missions to find new stuff (Legacy of the Dragonborn anyone?), have something like a weekly exposé for cool discoveries made, player screenshots, stuff like that. And a hall of Fame of particularly noteworthy player achievements. Statues of leaders, things like that.
  • Shooting range, tournaments
  • SRV and ship race tracks with lap times, maybe even player-created in canyons and such. Cannonball run events.
  • Hybrid solo mode that would basically be like regular solo except for peaceful places like stations so you could see and interact with other players without having to deal with griefers and gankers.
  • Steam achievements, maybe even workshop support

If you have any more ideas or thoughts please add them below.


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