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Low Priority and Banning just doesn’t work

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

As a player who has spent a lot on the game (and would have spent more if I wasn't treated like a 3rd class citizen), I often find myself matched with a one or two players who are toxic in the game, or just leave or sit there.

Sometimes though, there is a genuine excuse why I myself have fallen into the Low Priority pool, mostly due to an internet connection issue or the game has gone on for 70+ minutes and I have to leave for other comittments.

Getting then put into a Low Priority pool is then like putting someone who accidentally stole a melon, into a prison with complete nutjobs and lunatics. There is no escape from this hell. Players who will sit in base, hide in the trees and not play, or have only played for a few hours. This makes me want to leave one of these games out of pure frsutration – to be then banned for even more time.

All it then does is make players like me just to delete the game and uninstall it. Valve loses a genuine player who loved the game and happy to spend money, because it cannot and will not work out a fair system of play.

Sad times. Discuss…


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