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Lowering the ping limit to anything under 180 will make the game unplayable for thousands of players.

I know this prob won't affect many of you, but a big part of the community needs your help…
I play tarkov almost every day, since 2017, brought a lot of friends into the game and make a ton of new ones while playing, but today the game is unplayable for me and ALL of my friends.

Today we started getting DCed every 30 seconds, on any map, even with our pings at 150~160ms. I know that there are a lot of players around the world that play with 150+ ms, not by choice, but because it is the lowest we can get since we have no servers on our continent/country. This new change literally made the game unplayable for a lot of legit players, who bought the game and just want to have fun.

I know BSG wanted to fight cheaters by lowering the ping limit every patch, but this is hurting your community, A LOT. Only in South America, there are 12 countries there are now completely locked out of the game due to this change, and i know there are a lot of others players suffering from this aswell.

BSG, Nikita, whoever is in charge, i beg you, please reconsider this, i paid a lot of money for my EoD version of the game and now all i can do is play tetris with my stash 🙁


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