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Many people are losing item via clicking links where steam guard is enabled and steam support doesn’t not restore items.

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Accounts are getting compromised and might be their pc as well where Steam market is targeted hence the malicious links . I am assuming these hackers are getting encouraged where steam support is not doing nothing and they are getting away with hacking items.
Literally the guy who is supporting the game which he doesn't get any in game advantage just cosmetics in game only for the sole purpose of supporting the game so that the game will prosper and become beautiful way to enjoy weekend. But right now players are getting hacked left right and center and steam support is copy pasting message where in short they are blaming the guy who clicked link. 1st this is happening because they are not targeting players but they are targeting market since they are selling those stuff for real cash via party website. Steam is a huge company and can eradicate the problem or at least can remove links temporarily in chat since hackers are targeting .They made us install steam guard by saying we wont help if there is no steam guard now steam guard is not enough to save our inventory now they changed their policy that they should not click any suspicious links. How would we know if the link is suspicious ? After clicking and getting our inventory stolen right !
"we'd have to duplicate an item to restore it. Duplication lowers the value of all items by reducing their scarcity and inflating the economy, which affects everyone involved in trading and the Market. To maintain the value of everyone’s inventory, we do not restore items. For more information, please see the Steam Item Restoration Policy."
They care for millions of people IN STEAM MARKET where as few are losing items which is going to affect market where the rightful owner bought the items and hacker is going to sell the item via 3rd party website and enjoy ! HOW IRONIC !!
This is the message from support where my frnd got his items stolen via clicking on link

Hi there,

Thank you for the information and screenshots provided.

It appears that the account was compromised, please take the following steps to secure your account and computer:

Scan your computer for viruses, key loggers, spyware, and other malicious code using antivirus software with updated virus definitions.
Change the password for the email address that is associated with your Steam account.
Regularly reset your Steam account password.

Please see our Security Recommendations article.

In addition, I’m sorry to hear that your items were removed without your permission. Unfortunately, Steam Support does not restore scammed, lost, or stolen items for any reason.

Since Steam Support does not remove items from accounts, we'd have to duplicate an item to restore it. Duplication lowers the value of all items by reducing their scarcity and inflating the economy, which affects everyone involved in trading and the Market. To maintain the value of everyone’s inventory, we do not restore items. For more information, please see the Steam Item Restoration Policy.

To make sure that a scammer is reported, please report them through the Steam Community. Reporting a scammer through the Steam Community is the best way to prevent them from committing future scams.

To learn how to avoid scams or hijackings, please see our Trade Scam article.

If you still need assistance, please let us know.


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