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Market Availability

Ever since the found in raid status came about I've noticed items just not being on the market place or rarely being on the market which makes the game a both not being able to gear a gun how I want without completing the whole quest line to unlock all the traders. I know they are trying to force everyone to quest by making the found in raid status stuff but this is getting ridiculous when I cant even buy a M700 weaver mount without checking the market every 30mins to see if someone listed one. I feel the main reason stuff like this is happening is because the items arent getting cycled through the market like they did previously, for instance I would kill someone and take their pimped out M700 or M4 and even if I didn't necessarily like the gun I would take it back to sell its parts on the flea so other people could get the parts they want and I could get some pocket money. Now I take home those expensive guns and vendor them for almost no money and all those gun parts are now thrown into the void. Realism game my ass.


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