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Matchmaking a little off for anyone else?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Noticed some odd matchmaking lately, especially the games right before ranking up to Divine 5, and also after I reached Divine 5. Squared in red are me.

I saw that post about impact scores in matchmaking, and I was on a good winstreak with MVPs, etc, then I get a string of these types of games where we are clearly out matched before the game even started. This is on strict solo queue as well.

I feel like I'm being punished for playing well? Look at the ranks, I don't see how you can say both teams have an even shot at the match. We of course, lost all those games. And these are just a few examples.

Maybe I'm overreacting or overlooking something, but this has happened quite often in games before ranking up, and right after ranking up.


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