Theory-building my PvE Corvette – Can’t decide how to break shields

o7 fellow commanders !

As the title imply, I have difficulties to setup my hardpoints on what will be my PvE to PvP Federal Corvette and I have dug reddit and the forum for quite a while for this purpose.

I wanted to talk about Thermal damage even if I'm eager to ear any suggestions base on your flight experience.

Here's the current theoric build :

I don't have much combat experience in general and thus struggle a bit on imagining what 7 hardpoints will feel on both small or larger targets.
4A Efficient Beams were an obvious choice in my head until I think about the falloff and the gain I can take from Long Range. Other lasers types seems disappointing in terms of DPS even with an optimal falloff. On the other hand, I'll nearly never drain the WEP capacitor with them.

I also think about Overcharged Incendiary MC and damage seems pretty decent based on over post I saw. I don't know how long I can expect to stay in conflict zones with ammo though (even if I can synthezise)

I might not have an optimal PIPs management too. I can't imagine if playing with ~10 seconds of huge Beams is optimal for taking down shields. Maybe switching for a Weapon focus distributor is the answer to take out most of the huge Beams (If going with anything else than Efficient).

Do Core Dynamics enthusiasts experienced the same questioning as mine ?

In any case, fly safe commanders !


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