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Maybe I’m alone in this boat but it needs to be said.

I have had to move on from tarkov way earlier on in this wipe due to "meta" weapons running the lobbies and with the recent changes to flea (with most I agree with tbh) making sub machine guns completely useless and on top of that, any calibre starting with 5 sucks more than a prostitute volleying for her job. I can play for quite a while but this wipe I burnt out way quicker than any other wipe. Idk if it's the fact that I used to rely on smgs and factory early on to farm exp and gear and now you can't buy the ammo (at a decent price without ridiculous flea fees) so you're left to find it in raid. I sure hope this gets better because I have a laundry list of games I wanna play but my love for tarkov normally wins. I know at level 70 this time around there is no reason to run anything other than a mutant or 7.62 NATO rifle because it's the most effective and it's logical if you want to win your encounters. And the restrictions only really enforce that kind of play style. VOIP has been a saving grace, even though it was a 50/50 on whether or not they even talked or just mowed me down after hearing me speak. I wanna say I'm not complaining (even though I completely am) but I feel like tarkov lost a bit of it's spark this time around with the way they pushed it.

You can respond as rude as you would like but I'm trying to wrap my head around why I'm not into it as much as I was the previous YEARS. Happy hunting guys.


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