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Merging my commander from console to pc

I played elite dangerous for quite a while on PlayStation. A few years later I got a good gaming pc and just a couple weeks ago installed elite dangerous and decided I would just start over since I can play ED in VR on my pc. Now I see they’ve made it possible to transfer your elite dangerous to pc from console but I’m not sure how to do it now that I essentially have one copy and both the PlayStation and PC. I’m playing the pc version via Steam. Does anyone know how I can make my console commander work on pc if you’ve installed it through Steam?

Also do my ships and credits transfer or is it just the commander?

I’m sorry if this is really obvious or simple. I’m just not finding a clear solution. Seems like most people would have never made the second account on Steam. I just didn’t know they were going to open transfers or else I wouldn’t have done it


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