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[mining the crypts] – build a road?

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

Greetings! I am a relative noob to this whole Valheim thing, as far as playing through without any mods or cheats. (this is the farthest I have gone without cheats/mods)

I finally got a good base set up near a swamp, and in some initial exploration, have found at least six sunken crypts. I have cleared out a couple, and am finding anywhere from 40-60 iron ore per crypt. I have not found Haldor yet, so I do not have the belt. Thus, I'm only able to carry a max of 20 iron ore on my person.

The crypts are about a 2-3 minute walk (real time) from my base (+/-) , but that's going to get old if I have to make that trip a couple dozen times. (I see others having the same concern on here).

Is there wisdom in spending the time and effort to clear the surrounding forests and build a really nice wooden cart path to be able to carry a great amount of iron ore? Will the residents of the swamp get upset with my fancy cart path and destroy it while I'm in the crypts?

Or do I just suck it up like a good Viking and make the trips?


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