Mistlands Balista

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

So, I read the patch notes, and being a bit curious, I hopped into a singleplayer game and messed around with console commands to try some new stuff. I was particularly interested in the new automated defense balistas, so I played around with that, and I must say I'm not sure how usable it realistically is. For starters it requires black iron, but that's not the important thing.

  • It's basically a turret covering roughly 120 degree in front of it
  • You must manually fill it with bolts, it can hold up to 20
  • Once loaded with bolts, it shoots anything in its 120 degrees (and I mean literally anything)

So, the issue are points number 2 and 3. Because if you set them up around your base, you can only load 20 bolts into each. And they will unload their precious 20 bolts into every unfortunate deer that wanders anywhere near your base.

But that's not the best part. When I said they will shoot literally anything, I meant literally anything. Including players. So if you keep them loaded, your own base defense will shoot you on sight.

So I guess they're really only viable if you keep them empty most of the time, and only load them during events, and don't get in their way after you do. And even then, I don't think you can actually remove any leftover ammo, so they will happily keep shooting until they run out.

Edit: One thing I haven't considered and tested is whether they need line of sight to target. If they do, then perhaps it would be possible to surround them with wooden wall, and demolish the wall when you want them to fire, and then cover them again.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/z2925s/mistlands_balista/

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