Seems opinion is split on this one… personally our little gang of Vikings loves the Mistlands… and personally it’s my favourite biome.
The mist… never knowing what’s lurking just out of sight… especially when you can hear things moving about you can’t see…
The wisp light having limited area of effect is great. It’s enough to give you a small ‘island of safety’, but not so much that the Mistlands name and concept becomes pointless… if I want to look at vast expanses of scenery, I’ll go stand on a mountain… or climb to top of a rock pillar…
Any areas where we have shroom farms or a small base, we surround the area with wisp torches… keeps the area clear enough for what we need to do…
The painful verticality of the terrain which can make fleeing into a box canyon potentially lethal if you get trapped and out of stamina, or can’t flee upwards… and the feather cloak meaning you can jump off anything and not plummet to your doom is awesome. In the mountains I died from trying to run away from wolf packs than I did from the wolves themselves
Balancing health, stamina and eitr, depending on what you’re doing is now a necessity.
I wish the ML mobs were tougher. I didn’t play ML before the nerf, but was looking forward to a harder challenge, but a 2* Seeker one-shotted me last night cos I got a bit cocky… which was cool… I was starting to think everything was a push over.
Personally I really love the new biome. It’s substantially different to the others which adds to the fun. If it was just another open plains/meadows/mountain area I think it would have got boring really quickly
For anyone who wants to get rid of the mist, I’d say go get a mod that turns it off… but I really hope the Devs don’t alterit any further… after all, it’s called The Mistlands” for a reason