worst take i have ever seen

im tired of seeing these dogshit posts about the prog being nerfed to promote the lion.

the tank that sold out in minutes on both EU and NA, BEFORE any mention of the nerfs. you would think anyone with more than 4 brain cells would be able to understand this makes less sense than the ideas of the lobotomized monkeys flipping switches in the WG balance team.

there are so many legitimate complaints you could be making about just this balance pass alone. nerfing a tank because of popularity, while acknowledging it is not overperforming in the same breath. blatant lies about usage/dpg. making "careful" adjustments in shotgun nerfs to anything they could think of on the amx m4 line. giving the rino insignificant buffs that will not fix any issues while avoiding its tier vii dpm. i could go on but i doubt the "people" claiming these prog nerfs are some WG psyop to make you want to buy the lion when it is sold again in 4 years can read. it seems WGs incompetence is passing on to some of the playerbase.

tldr: heres a link to the Disability Information and Access Line for you NA players that need it

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/11ebr96/worst_take_i_have_ever_seen/

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