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More Fun Facts and Behind the Scene Stories for PSG.LGD(Starting with Faith_Bian)

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Hi all,

It’s this time of the year again. PSG.LGD is in top forms and looking absolutely unstoppable at the Major. No one knows if they can break the curse this year, and honestly, it doesn’t matter anymore, because when the curse is meant to be broken, no one’s ever gonna remember that the curse ever existed. So before we enjoy more beautiful dota from the best teams around the world, I’d like to share some of the latest fun stuff about the team, the players and more, starting with Faith_Bian.


I. The latter part of his in-game ID, bian, are very commonly written as 鞭 in Chinese. This Chinese Character have 2 meanings:

  1. A whip
  2. Dick from an animal

So we often refer to Faith_Bian as 大哥, literally A Chad with a Big Cock.

No wonder he's playing like a beast in this tournament.


II.Faith_Bian and y’, being former members of Wings Gaming, are sometimes referred to the Evil Duo in Chinese Dota community.

This could be traced back to the days after Wings Gaming won TI6. The boss of Wings, XIE, thought he could replicate the success of Wings on League of Legends by randomly finding young but potentially great players, which, of course, did not turn out good. In the end, all the money XIE earned through the success of Wings, along with the money he owns by himself, were all gone like water down the drain. Wings Gaming, the Organization was not able to keep the 5 players, who just won TI, on the payroll for 3 executive months. That’s when the 5 players decided to stood up against XIE and founded their own team, Team Random. And right after that, the 5 players were all banned from participating in China’s competitive scene by an organization named Ace, whose core members were the bosses of all major dota organizations in China. Ace claims that the existence of Team Random was a violation of the policy and should not be tolerated. But the 5 plays nonetheless. However, their performance had been lackluster to say the best. After several months, different voices were brewing within the team, some members were complaining that they do not want to carry the burden anymore and wanted to break away from competitive scene for some time, while some, that’s Faith_Bian and y’ to be exact, still wanted to play and fight for their chances at TI7. Ehome also reached out to the duo at this time, thinking that the two could fit well into the team. Faith_Bian and y’ also talked to the other 3 Wings players about the transition. To make the transition to team Ehome, the duo has to talk to their former boss XIE, who was holding their contract at that time. This, of course, went the opposite way of the purpose of team Random, which made the rest of the 3 Wings members very upset. Shadow even posted a Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of twitter, named Shameless Teammates, denouncing the duo for discarding the team and talking to XIE in private to release their contracts. And that’s where the Evil Duo comes from. Despite all that, I don’t think any of the 5 players were to blame here. That’s what’s gonna happen in real life, at some point things would go south and you would’ve prepared for it.

Ofc these are all cleared now, the 5 members grouped together on a conference call and cleared all the misunderstandings and confusions, and the rest 3 members gave their best wishes to Faith and y’. The Ace was also gone shortly after it.

But Wings Gaming is no more.

TLDR: the name came from Shadow in a Weibo saying they betrayed their efforts against the org., which turned out to be an misunderstanding.

It's 1AM in the morning in China and I gotta sleep, tell me if you want to know anything about just any player, org about Chinese Dota Community, I will write about them in my next post.


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