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More Melee Weapons.

This is a discussion on an idea of more melee weapons, I know that STW has reached a stand-still and that's why this isn't a suggestion post but more of a post to discuss the idea of these weapons. I'm purely asking for feedback on ideas, whether they get used or not isn't up to me but regardless of the state of the STW developers I still think its a good idea to interact with each-other when it comes to ideas.

These ideas will show the idea itself and then an example of these ideas, the example weapons represent a specific set of weapons so the names also represent that. Once you finish reading, I would like to hear any feedback.

– Gauntlets: Gauntlets would be close-up dual wield weapons which grant the player quick movements as well as quick attacks, since these weapons are built for quick movements outside of the base variants there could also be sharp or spiked variants that are slower but hit harder.

— Example: The Hydraulic Press could be an example of these weapons, this weapon could have a unique attack which attacks twice per swing (second attack dealing 50% damage) and the heavy attack could be something that takes the players current stamina and turns it into pure damage for a single attack. As for unique abilities maybe it could stop smashers mid rush?

– Maces: Maces would be a longer range weapon that deal even more devastating damage then the hammer category of weapons, but would also be slightly slower then any hammer. The advantage of a mace over a hammer is the damage which if added could potentially deal 10-20% more damage then hammers.

— Example: The Night Splitter could be an example of a mace, this weapon could have a unique attach where the maxes spikes break off inside the enemies causing constant damage (something like 5% of its damage every second) and the heavy attack could be where the player overhead hits the ground causing the maces spikes to expand and impale nearby enemies.

– Chainsaws: Chainsaws would be a close-up weapon but could be given a longer-range counter part (the chain being on a rod), but both could reward the player for constant damage. Chainsaws would all contain the same unique attack of getting stuck in the enemies dealing constant damage (moving would probably cancel it).

— Example: The Scrap-Saw could be an example of a short chainsaw, but instead of having a unique attack the Scrap-Saw could be a one-time use weapon where the base attack sticks into the enemy, deals some constant damage, then explodes. As for a heavy attack the player could force the Scrap-Saw deep into the enemy (slash attack from… right shoulder?) which then explodes a few seconds later.


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