Muerta chest, available after 4th?

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Hey all, I'm looking to get the pudge and Io sets but I'm not sure it's possible.

I did the math and it looks like, with 0 luck, you're gonna have to spend 6 to 9 hours everyday until April 4th to have a chance at getting enough sets to trade up.

This is based on needing T2 and 3 sets.

There are 6 tier 2 sets and 2 tier 3

For trading up thats…

6 x 5 tier 1 sets = 30 tier 1 sets

2 x 5 tier 2 sets = 10 tier 2 sets

OR for trading up for every set

6 x 15 t1 sets = 90 tier 1 sets

Which is…

90 x 10 flowers each

= 900 flowers

= 225$ to open 90 chests.

On average each game of All Pick is 40 mins

2 or 4 flowers per game

450 games with 2 flowers per game
225 games with 4 flowers per game

225 x average of 40 mins per game = 9,000mins or 150 hours

25 days left til april 4th

150 hours of play time on average divided by 25 days remaining, 6 hours of playtime per day to get every set. This is if you're getting 4 flowers EVERY game.


This does not take into account getting tier 2 or 3 sets spontaneously.

I'm wondering if this event is even possible in this time frame or if the chests and all their sets will be available after April 4th.


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