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Muerta’s W and R muts be swapped Just like how PL got a swap before in my opinion. here is why.

Mod Skin Dota 2

As we all know muerte is abyssmal atm. with the shit winrate shit stats shitty unsynergizing spells blablabla. While i was playing and watching people play her, i realized a possible rework on her. Just an idea, i hope to get your answers on it on why it could work or could not.

Her ult is janky as F. You go full magic yes but it does not work at all. Many cores especially the melee cores build mage slayer into bloodthorn, thus making her pretty much useless in ult form, rather than being threatening. I saw qojqva and gorgc play her. And qojqva memefully used her ult vs antimage and pudge few times to test and her already low dmg became even lower it was hilarious at one point.

Her W Has no idea what it wants to be. A slow? disable? kite spell? gapcloser? make it easier to land a Q? either way i never found a decent reliable way to use it rather than just cause more fuckshittery during fights or place it in a way it will farm

In my opinion her W and R should be swapped. her ult becoming a situational skill for going ether form to deal magic dmg and a possible way to counter ghost form from heroes such as pugna is decent.
While her W after swapping will become a dmg amp for muerte, like drow ult. People in the area will be slowed and the spirits will leash the player for 0.5 second instead of silence (lvl 20 talent giving 1 more second leash, lvl25 talent making the leash pierce spell immunity blabla just random ideas here) and while in the area, muerta's attacks will pierce the natural magic resistance like drow R does, while resist from items, passives, auras will stay. So if she uses the calling with the ether form, her dmg will be amplified as they both synergize, making a possible ethereal blade build decent and actually deal dmg.

Ofcourse her W and R will be tuned down accordingly to make it acceeptable. but a system like this would make muerta a decent core rather than a pos4 with pos2 dreams.


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