my addiction and longing is gone

I really don't know what happened. started early 19 with a friend's account to test it out, bought my own eod Jan 20 and was in love ever since.. basically dropped every other game.

started two weeks after last wipe and grinded my way up to 27. grinding the quests in order to get access to good gear already felt a bit off.. then I died a lot of times due to audio issues ( ppl coming upstairs and I can't hear them).. I'm an average player.. I kill I die, it's fine.. can't do that sweat gaming due to my real life and lack of time.. I dropped out for two months now and started the game yesterday.

I died again while looting the file cabs in the weather station on shore because I forgot to pay attention (guy came up and I did not hear him).. I thought ok, let's just stay in buildings with a ground floor.. equipped myself, started the queue and after one minute I aborted and shut down the game.. there's no thrill anymore, no heart beat while fighting..

I'm not reading this sub anymore due to its toxicity but still I can't cope with all the issues, bugs and promises from bsg.

I think I convinced like 6-7 guys to buy the game and none is playing anymore..

is there anything big coming in for next wipe? otherwise ima fully skip that one. it's really sad because the whole concept is so great :/


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