My (limited) Draft mode experience

witcher gwent cards

I played for the first time yesterday after watching Speci and Lionhart co-streaming. I had a lot of fun mixing factions and pulling off some weird combos and also being left absolutely clueless about what my opponent might be playing.

Then I play it today and every single match was an opponent running all cards from a single faction. Literally so boring. Blood Thirst and all monsters and vampires. Frost with all Frost synergized cards, pure NG decks [BOOOORING].
Honestly, what's the point in that? There are 3 game modes dedicated to playing single factions?

I didn't finish my run, after 5 games it was no longer fun, might as well be grinding ladder instead.

Obviously, this is a tiny sample pool of matches, but it has opened my eyes, maybe I was naive enough to think that people might actually embrace the potential wild qualities of this (alternative) mode.


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