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My mate is quiting tarkov, any solutions?

No this is not an other quarrel about the cheating situation, honestly i dont even know what's it about, because I can't put my finger on the reason he's experiencing this problem at all.
I think it affected him after the last patch, righ now he has terrible fps during multiplayer (35-40 on customs, even worse on other maps going down to 15 in fights) he tried everything, every tutorial on yt, any fix he could find on google, nothing works, he even reinstalled the windows and upgraded his ram.

As a reference, right now, he has a laptop with a rtx 2060, i7 10750h and 24 gb ram with a 2999mhz freq.
I'm running a gtx 1070, i5 9400f and 32 gb ram with 2666 mhz. From what I know our rigs are not so different perfomence wise, yet I can run customs on an average of 70-85 fps, he has a decent enough rig that shouldn't run this game so horribly. what's even more ambiguous is that he is getting 110-130 fps in offline mode, yeah I know there are differences between offline and online matches, but this seems way to huge.

Did you ever experienced something similar? If so, how did you solve it?


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