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My non-engineered Krait II is too weak… Normal?

I currently have a non-engineered krait, but I feel like its far weaker at taking damage than my other medium size ships that arent engineered
Shield strength – 442
Armour – 396 (understandable with lightweight alloys)

I have a 6A shield gen, 1 0A shield booster, but 2 shield cell banks (1 6A, 1 5A)
Again, none of it is engineered (I plan to get into that at some point, as well as look into guardian tech)

Im currently focusing on killing pirates in HAS RES for fun and general PvE, and the 6A shield gen and 0A booster dosent even double the stock krait strength… Ouch (literally)

For now Id like to know what a target shield strength and integrity would be for non engineered? and is there anything I should know about kitting my krait out? Preferably I would like to keep at least a kill warrant scanner and a fighter bay.

Thanks for any information, fly safe commanders!


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