My portal networking and why I don’t use portal rooms

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

I have a thing I do with portals that some people I play with seem to think is odd or irregular to normal portal methods. So to the people who make portal rooms allow me to extensively explain my method and reason for using it.

How it works: I put two portals at each location I want easy access to. The portal on the right is for input and will always have a fixed number that I label on the map so I know what numbers I need to punch in to get wherever.

The second portal on the left is the output portal which is used to connect and travel to input portals. I put in the number I need and then just before entering the portal I spam a bunch of gibberish to disconnect the portal as I run through (this keeps the input portals free for others to use and keeps them from being locked between two spots)

Why I use it:
1. I like keeping my houses small and cozy (sometimes medium size) so having a big ass growing portal room thats bigger then my house just feels weird.

  1. Instead of preparing unconnected portals beforehand or after placing a new portal I can just portal back home, (I keep portal mats on me that I call my porta-portal) grab some more portal mats, and make 2 portals for a permanent fast travel spot no preparation required.

  2. No middle man for travel between non portal room portals to other portals I can just go straight to the spot I want with only one loading screen and not 2.


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